Lo Ba Waterfall
Lo Ba Waterfall
Lo Ba Waterfall
Lo Ba Waterfall
Lo Ba Waterfall
Lo Ba Waterfall
Lo Ba Waterfall


Price: Free

Phone: 0984010839

Time to visit a place: 60 phút

Open Time: 5:00 AM - Close Time: 6:00 PM

Email: lobawaterfall@gmail.com

Address: Kon Tum, Kon Plông, Thị Trấn Măng Đen Xã Đắk Long, Huyện Kon Plông, Tỉnh Kon Tum

Lo Ba Waterfall is a quite pristine waterfall because up to now it has not been affected too much by humans. The waterfall has a height of over 40m, located about 3km from Mang Den intersection. The water of the waterfall carries the cold air of the mountains and forests originating from the high peaks of Mang But, Dak Tang, and Mang Canh, pouring down torrents and rushing, creating white foam that covers the entire sky. In 2015, Kon Plong district (Kon Tum) invested in building a new route to serve people visiting.

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Lo Ba Waterfall is a quite pristine waterfall because up to now it has not been affected too much by humans. The waterfall has a height of over 40m, located about 3km from Mang Den intersection. The water of the waterfall carries the cold air of the mountains and forests originating from the high peaks of Mang But, Dak Tang, and Mang Canh, pouring down torrents and rushing, creating white foam that covers the entire sky. In 2015, Kon Plong district (Kon Tum) invested in building a new route to serve people visiting.

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