Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households
Area of 37 households


Price: Free


Time to visit a place: 60 phút

Open Time: 5:00 AM - Close Time: 10:00 PM


Address: Kon Tum, Kon Plông, Xã Măng Cành Xã Măng Cành, Huyện Kon Plông, Tỉnh Kon Tum

Mang Den 37-household area is located in Kon Tu Rang village, Mang Canh commune, about 9 km from the center of Mang Den town. This is also the path to Pa Sy waterfall. According to local people, since ancient times, 37 households moved into this area to settle and live. Later, when the 37-household area was granted a red book, the people here were considered indigenous people. Gradually, when Mang Den was developed into a tourist destination, the economy here developed, many people came to live in the 37-household area, built homestays, restaurants, cafes, farms,... But they have not been issued red books yet. The name 37 households also started from there, to distinguish families with and without red books.

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Mang Den 37-household area is located in Kon Tu Rang village, Mang Canh commune, about 9 km from the center of Mang Den town. This is also the path to Pa Sy waterfall. According to local people, since ancient times, 37 households moved into this area to settle and live. Later, when the 37-household area was granted a red book, the people here were considered indigenous people. Gradually, when Mang Den was developed into a tourist destination, the economy here developed, many people came to live in the 37-household area, built homestays, restaurants, cafes, farms,... But they have not been issued red books yet. The name 37 households also started from there, to distinguish families with and without red books.

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