Mang Den Market - cultural beauty in the heart of Mang Den

Mang Den market was recently opened. This place shows many typical cultural features of ethnic minorities in Kon Plong district. The Fair is held weekly and attracts many tourists to visit, shop, and enjoy cuisine.

Mang Den has a fresh, cool climate; Diverse ecosystem with many rivers, streams, waterfalls, and natural lakes; vast primeval forests and pine forests. Mang Den is famous for tourist attractions such as Pa Sy waterfall, Dak Ke waterfall, Lo Ba waterfall, Dam Bri lake, Dak Ke lake or community tourism villages imbued with the culture of the Mo Nam - Xo Dang ethnic group. such as: Kon Pring, Vi Ro Ngheo... Recently, Mang Den is also known by many tourists for Mang Den Market.

Chợ Phiên đông đúc nhất vào thứ 7 hàng tuần (Ảnh: Ghiền Măng Đen)

Phien Market is located under cool pine trees, in the heart of Mang Den town. The space of the Phien Market is Rong houses, rice warehouses, stilt houses, and wooden and bamboo stalls with rustic and traditional features of ethnic minorities in Kon Plong district .

The market is open every Friday to Sunday afternoon. Here, there are many agricultural products and forest medicinal herbs that people bring to display and sell such as: corn, cassava, brown rice, red rice, dried bamboo shoots, fresh bamboo shoots, wild pepper or ginseng, ginseng. turtle, red ginseng mushroom, pearl crane mushroom...

Hồng Đẳng sâm - Dược liệu đặc trưng ở Chợ Phiên Măng Đen.

Mang Den Market also has rich cuisine with dishes made by the people themselves. Coming here, visitors cannot help but enjoy dishes such as: kitchen buffalo meat, sun-dried beef, village pork grilled on skewers, stream fish, village rice, wild bamboo shoot salad...

Ẩm thực Chợ Phiên Măng Đen phong phú (Ảnh: Ghiền Măng Đen)

 If you ask, what time is Mang Den Market most crowded and bustling? The answer will be every Saturday. On Saturday nights, Phien Market often organizes music nights with gentle love songs, visitors can interact and sing to each other. During holidays, New Year or when Mang Den organizes tourist events, Mang Den Market also has Gong and Xoang dance programs performed by teams of Xo Dang artisans. 

Every evening, in the chilly atmosphere of Mang Den, tourists and friends can stroll around the Phien Market, enjoy grilled dishes, drink a glass of hot bean juice or circle around the fire together.

Biểu diễn cồng chiêng - múa xoang ở Chợ phiên Măng Đen (Ảnh: Ghiền Măng Đen).

Visitors to Mang Den do not forget to visit, shop and enjoy cuisine at Cho Phien Mang Den.

Phuong Vu


