The pilot plan for the Măng Đen Night Neighborhood model is a project in Kon Plông District, Kon Tum Province, Vietnam.

In order to promote the development of tourism through cultural activities, entertainment, and experiential tourism services taking place from 6 PM to 12 AM daily, the People's Committee of Kon Plông District has issued Document No. 1639/PA-UBND regarding the implementation of a pilot project for the Măng Đen Night Neighborhood model in the Măng Đen town area.

According to the plan, the night neighborhood model covers an area of approximately 2.5 hectares and is organized into different zones, including the welcome zone, information zone, check-in area, night market zone, and Glamping zone. In addition, the night neighborhood model will involve planning and investing in essential shared infrastructure such as entrance gates, roads, electricity, water supply, public restrooms, waste collection points, and parking lots.

The night neighborhood model will feature food and beverage service stalls, shopping areas, and showcases for local agricultural products, One Commune One Product (OCOP) items, traditional crafts, as well as various activities such as providing tourists with information about tourism, camping activities, recreational entertainment, traditional and contemporary art performances, costume festivals, street art, and culinary experiences.

The implementation of the pilot project for the night neighborhood model in the Măng Đen town area will leverage the local advantages of climate, natural landscapes, and the unique cultural heritage of the local people, transforming Măng Đen into a vibrant destination during the evening, diversifying tourism products and services, attracting visitors, increasing local income, and promoting the development of community-based tourism.

Mỹ Hòa - Thiều Vân

