Preserving the beauty of the vast highlands to promote Kon Plong's tourism development

Kon Tum province boasts over 609,600 hectares of forests, of which more than 547,700 hectares are natural forests, covering over 63% of the province's total area. Alongside the development of the forest economy, in recent years, many ethnic minority communities, units, and localities in Kon Tum province have also focused on preserving, conserving, and tapping into the unique beauty of the diverse flora and fauna in the mountain forests to create tourism products.

Less than 100 kilometers northwest of Kon Tum City, Vi Rơ Ngheo village, in Đăk Tăng commune, Kon Plông district, is nestled in the mountains and forests, providing a tranquil and picturesque setting. In early May, 62 households with around 300 residents, all belonging to the Xơ Đăng ethnic minority, joyfully received the decision from the Kon Tum Provincial People's Committee recognizing Vi Rơ Ngheo as a community-based tourism village.

The Xơ Đăng people in Kon Plông district introduce the rich flavors of mountainous cuisine to visitors.

An individual named A Hiền, who has been leading the community in improving the cleanliness of homes, village roads, and neighborhoods for four years, and diligently changing the livelihoods of village residents, said, "Our coffee cultivation was not successful, and neither were the various types of flowering plants. When we calculated that our annual labor was insufficient, we realized that community-based tourism was the most profitable endeavor for our village."

To become an attractive destination for tourists, the people of Vi Rơ Ngheo have used readily available materials, such as reclaimed wood and rocks from the nearby stream, combined with flower and plant cultivation to create a green environment within the village. Leveraging the existing strengths of the forest, the villagers have collected and grown over 1,000 pots of orchids and tropical flowers. They also maintain and preserve five hills of orchids and sim fruit, which can be found throughout the village. In addition, the villagers have prepared various products, including gongs, còn (a traditional backpack), and Xơ Đăng dishes to serve tourists.

Kon Plông district in Kon Tum province, one of the two economic growth areas in the province, has identified tourism as a key economic sector. Environmental protection and conservation of natural forests have been identified as top priorities for the district. The district aims to utilize the unique natural landscape and cultural identity of the Xơ Đăng and Hrê ethnic groups, which make up over 80% of the population, to develop tourism. Currently, in addition to protecting over 100,000 hectares of natural forest, mostly primary forest, the district actively engages in forest planting and scatter planting to enrich the forest ecosystem.

A cultural event held at Pa Sỹ waterfall, attracting a large number of local residents and tourists.

Ms. Đỗ Nguyễn Cát Tiên, Vice Chairman of the Mang Den Tourism Association, shared her feelings, "When I return to Mang Den and live amidst nature like this, I always feel at peace and light, as if I were a child cradled by a loving mother. Therefore, I believe that preserving and continuing to plant trees is essential. Nature has bestowed Mang Den with many gifts, and we must preserve and protect them because without the forest, there would never be Mang Den."

Mr. Đặng Đình Toán, Head of the Culture and Information Department in Kon Plông district, stated that the local government and functional departments are implementing specific measures to preserve the beauty of the great forest and conserve and promote the cultural values of the local ethnic minority communities to boost tourism. Regarding the preservation of the traditional cultural elements of the local indigenous people, the focus is on conserving the living spaces of the local residents, especially activities related to gongs, traditional ceremonies of the local people, such as water offerings and harvest celebrations. All these activities are aimed at preserving and promoting the cultural heritage to leave an impression on tourists.

Despite not having fully developed and maximized tourism products based on the beauty of the great forest and the local forest culture, Mang Den, particularly Vi Rơ Ngheo and Kon Plông district as a whole, has already become a destination for tourists on a journey of nature exploration. The extensive primeval forests, beautiful landscapes, and majestic waterfalls like Pa Sỹ, Đăk Ke, Lô Ba, Toong Đam, and Toong Zơri, combined with the year-round pleasant climate, are the unique offerings of Kon Plông.

In the first six months of 2023, nearly 700,000 tourists visited Kon Plông, showing significant growth compared to the same period in 2022. The 19th Party Congress Resolution of Kon Plông district aims to increase forest coverage to 83% of the natural area in the district by 2025. In the context of increasing climate change challenges, with unique tourism products derived from the forest and forest culture, Kon Plông district in Kon Tum province continues to exert a strong attraction for tourists, providing sustainable value known as the beauty of the great forest.

Source: VOV-Tây Nguyên

