The images of Măng Đen from the Bamboo Airways flight.

Did you know that on Bamboo Airways flights from July 11, 2023, to August 10, 2023, you will see images of MĂNG ĐEN in the LOOK magazine with the theme "A NEW HORIZON" featuring the artwork "VIRTUAL PARADISE!"

The artwork "VIRTUAL PARADISE" by the artist HƯNG TRẦN, a person closely connected to Măng Đen, who loves Măng Đen. In this artwork, you will witness the serene beauty of nature, the "truly green and pure Măng Đen," with the charm of "the cold shivers of the early morning," the "distant silvery hills," the "aged pine trees mingling with the young ones," and the "mountain streams in the highlands".... These beauties allow people to relax and "Just sit still" to appreciate a "Masterpiece of water and mountains."

 Phương Vũ

