Mang Den Community Football Center organizes football exchanges, visits, and experiences for students on the occasion of the new year 2024

On the morning of January 7, 2024, at the football field of Mang Den Secondary School, soccer matches took place between Mang Den Community Football Center and Kon Ray Community Football Center

In a joyful atmosphere to welcome the new year of Giap Thin 2024, on the morning of January 7, 2024, Mang Den Community Football Center organized a football exchange for students of the Center with students of the Football Center. Kon Ray community stone. Participating in the exchange matches this time was the participation of 100 children from ages 6 to 14 years old.

The matches were lively, exciting, true to the spirit of 'fairplay' with many good balls and beautiful goals. The matches really left many good impressions, showing the spirit of love for sports and especially the football-loving spirit of the students of the two Centers. At the same time, this is also an opportunity for them to share together and further strengthen solidarity and attachment.

After the exchanges, the students of the two Centers had other meaningful activities such as: visiting, taking souvenir photos at the Mang Den Victory Monument, enjoying cuisine at the Mang Den Market, visiting Visit the tourist attractions of Khanh Lam Pagoda, the Statue of Our Lady of Mang Den and especially experience the self-picking Mang Den orange garden.


According to the sharing of teacher Ngo Tan Han - In charge of Mang Den Community Football Center: "In the coming time, Mang Den Community Football Center will organize many exchange activities, tournaments combined with other activities. "Visit and experience activities to encourage the sports spirit of students as well as other football-loving children."

On the occasion of Giap Thin New Year 2024, we wish the Mang Den Community Football Center to grow more and more; Wishing the students good practice and competition; Wishing parents good health and success./.  

 Phuong Vu     

